My new Emacs powered blog

My new Emacs powered blog

My old blog at WordPress only has one single post in it.

I wrote it using Org-mode in Emacs, and used an extension to put it on WordPress.

That was good.

I had to perform a lot of tweaking to the HTML, however, and that has obviously put me off just writing blog posts.

That was bad.

So, I wanted something as easy as writing a blog post in my favorite writing environment, committing the changes to git source control, and pushing it to a remote repository to be hosted. I don’t want to deal with a website like WordPress, to be honest.

Hugo and Emacs

After hunting around, I stumbled over a good workflow using Hugo and the excellent Emacs extension ox-hugo. All I have to do is write my blog posts in one org-file within Emacs, export to Hugo using the exporter, and let Hugo generate the output. Then I commit the changes to my git repository, push it to GitHub, and my homepage is updated.

I don’t have to mess around with anything, like I did in WordPress.

Since it’s now going to be much easier to get a blog post up, I am sure I will actually blog a post or two now :)

I have several ideas, and the good thing about it is, that I can have those posts in my org-file, as sub-trees, because the Emacs Hugo exporter will only export the trees that are DONE, not the ones marked with TODO.

It should be easy to blog, and I am most comfortable in Emacs. So, there’s that :)